Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Loosing babies

Creamcicle...my sport Lionhead doe had 5 babies early this morning or very late last night...she did not pull enough wool and 4 of them got too cold and died..1 is still alive..I brought it in the house to warm it up..it was almost dead so I don't know if it will survive or not...I checked on her at 11:30 last night and she had not had them but then I went to bed..I went out at 8:30am ..by then it was too late...there were 3 Bew's and 2 Vm's...the one that is still holding on is a Vm....I really thought it was warm enough in the barn with the heater but I guess I was wrong....she didn't pull enough wool.. ..the one that lived is warm now and active...so maybe it will survive..I put the heater next to her cage and I am hoping she will feed the little one...

Friday, December 19, 2008


Well...I guess winter is officially here....I stuffed insulation in all the holes in my barn and keep the heater on all the time..it stays about 45 to 50 inside so the water bottles don't freeze and I can be comfortable enough to spend alot of time with my bunnies....the only problem will be that the ventilation will not be as good as it was but I will just have to clean pans more often...LOL...oh boy!!! How long till summer comes again?????

My bunnies seem happy so I am happy....